Luke 22:35-38
Memory Verse:
“For I say to you that this which is written must still be accomplished in Me: ‘And He was numbered with the transgressors.’ For the things concerning Me have an end” (Luke 22:37).
There is time for everything as the Book of Ecclesiastes makes us understand. Ecclesiastes 6:8 makes it clear that every matter has its time Tand way. Jesus was discussing with His disciples on issues relating to His departure from this earth and stated clearly to them that every prophecy
concerning Him must be fulfilled. Check very well and you will see that all that was written in the volume of the books concerning Jesus’ coming to earth and His earthly ministry came to fulfilment. So also will all that was said with respect to His coming back be fulfilled. How prepared are you for His second coming? As everything that was said about Jesus came to pass and will still come to
fulfilment, so also will all that God has in mind for your life come to fulfilment.
Things concerning you also have an end. Whatever God has said or written concerning you, He will watch over it to perform. Jeremiah 29:11 tells us His plan is “to give you an expected end”. Rest assured that He will perform what He has said. Even the affliction, trouble, persecution and unpleasant situation you may be going through now has an end; they have come and must pass away as you are only permitted to suffer for a little time. Cheer up, child of God, things concerning you have an end.
Prayer Points:
1. Father, please grant me an understanding of Your plans and purpose for my life.
2. The grace and patience to wait for the end that You have in mind for me, Father, grant unto me.