John 9:1-5
Memory Verse:
“As long as I am in the World, I am the light of the World” (John9:5).
A sister was walking through her neighbourhood, when she overheard a discussion between a woman and a little girl. The woman was asking the girl where she was staying and why she ran away from home. The sister decided to get involved and discovered that the girl ran away from home ad been looking for her for more than 24 hours and was already beside herself with worry, looking for her daughter. The intervention of the sister led to the reunion of mother and daughter.
In John 9, you must have noticed that Jesus did not just walk by the blind man, rather, He stopped to minister to him because He is the Light of the world. Jesus might have left this world physically, but He left you behind as His ambassador (2Corinthians 5:20), and wants you to be the light wherever you find yourself, illuminating the world with simple acts of kindness.
At the creation of the world, God planted a garden and put the man He created in it, with instructions to dress and keep it (Genesis 2:8 &15). You are the Adam God put in your neighbourhood. You are to take care of it, spiritually, through your prayers and, physically, by the things you do which impact your community positively. Every time you have an opportunity, shine as light wherever you find yourself.
Prayer Points:
1. O Lord God, make me a light wherever I find myself.
2 . God, grant your Church the grace to illuminate the world.