2A, Davies Street, Ketu, Lagos State.



Genesis 30:28-30; 39:1-6
Memory Verse:
“For what you had before I came was little, and it is now increased to great amount; The LORD has blessed you since my coming. And now, when shall I also provide for my own house?” (Genesis 30:30). Jacob had travelled from Beersheba and went towards Haran and, eventually, to the land of the people of the east, where Laban and his family lived. For Jacob’s sake, God blessed the family of Laban. Similarly, the house of Potiphar experienced God’s blessing when the slave boy, Joseph came to live with his family (Genesis 39:1-6). The Lord was with Joseph. He was a prosperous man, and his master recognised that the Lord was with him. The Lord made all that he did to prosper in his hand. The Lord blessed the Egyptians’ house for Joseph’s sake. The blessing of the Lord was upon all that Potiphar had in the house and in the field.

God’s presence and blessings continued to show up even in the prison where he was remanded after he had left Potiphar’s house (Genesis 39:21). One thing Jacob and Joseph had in common was their determination to please God in all their dealings, therefore God was willing to bless and honour them with His presence and the manifestation of this was seen in the positive outcomes of their
services to their masters. What is the situation with you? Are others blessed for your sake? Your church members, family or community? Does your presence bring God’s blessing to others in your office, in your church, and in your neighbourhood? Just like Joseph and Jacob were blessings to all that they came in contact with, so should your life as a child of God and a light to the world bring blessings to all who come in contact with you. So be a blessing.

Prayer Points:
1. Lord, bless me and make me a channel of blessing to others.
2. Father, everywhere I go, help me to add value to the lives of all I come across.

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