2A, Davies Street, Ketu, Lagos State.



Choose To Lean On Jesus

John 13: 21-28

Memory Verse:
“Now there was leaning on Jesus’ bosom one of His disciples, whom Jesus loved” (John 13:23).

From the beginning of creation, man has been given the power of choice. Every man always has a choice to make at one point or the other. Every action that any man carries out is as a result of a choice he has made in his heart. The choices you make will determine your destination in life. The matter of choice is very critical. John, sometimes referred to as ‘him whom Jesus loved’ in the Scripture (John 19:26; 20:2) and Judas Iscariot were both disciples of Jesus Christ. One was so
close to Jesus to the extent of leaning and resting on His chest while the other was so far to the extent that Satan was able to enter into him. John was called the beloved of Jesus because he would always be there with and for Jesus. He was an ‘ever so close’ friend of Jesus.
Judas Iscariot, on the contrary, was a greedy person and a traitor. He was a thief and lover of money, who chose to betray his Master, Jesus, for monetary gain (Matthew 26:14-16). What choices are you making today? Are you willing and ready to be a friend of Jesus who will seek to be in His presence? Or would you rather be a traitor who compromises at every little gain. Judas Iscariot ended terribly because he surrendered his will to evil and chose to betray the Lord Jesus. Do not follow that path so that you will not end like he did. Choose to lean on Jesus.

Prayer Points:
1. Jesus, I choose to lean on You continually.
2. Father, give me the grace to never betray my Master, Jesus.

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