Psalms 24:3-5, 15:1-5
Memory Verse:
“He who has clean hands and a pure heart, Who has not lifted
up his soul to an idol, Nor sworn deceitfully” (Psalm 24:4).
Clean hands depict hands that have not been involved in treachery, hands that are not quick to shed innocent blood, hands that are not stained with bribery etc. If you must ascend into the hill of the Almighty, then your hands must be clean, as impure hands cannot enter heaven (Revelation 21:27).
A pure heart is a heart that is free from evil thoughts and habits; it is a heart
that is free from deceit and speaks the truth at all times; it does not plan evil or
wickedness against fellow humans, betray them for personal gain or speak evil
against anyone without a cause. Anyone who does any of these or similar acts
does not have a pure heart and cannot abide in the tabernacle of the Lord. A
person with a pure heart fears God and honours men rather than demean or
deceive them. Clean hands and a pure heart can be obtained through:
1. the blood of Jesus Christ, which cleanses from every sin.
2. the Word of God, which also sanctifies and cleanses (Ephesians 5:26).
3. the Holy Spirit, who equally regenerates and renews (Titus 3:5).
Through the blood of Jesus, the word and the Holy Spirit, you are cleansed and regenerated unto a life of purity, and righteousness which reflects in your
relationship with God and your fellow men. This can only happen when you
totally surrender your life to Jesus. Have you totally surrendered your life to
Prayer Points:
1. Lord Jesus, I totally surrender my life to You.
2. Cleanse me with Your blood, and sanctify me with Your word and the Holy Spirit that I might daily live a life of purity and righteousness.