Hebrews 12:27&28; Matthew 23:25
Memory Verse:
“Now this, ‘Yet once more,’ indicates the removal of those things that are being shaken, as of the things that are made, that the things which cannot be shaken may remain” (Hebrews 12:27).
Enduring things are those things that have eternal value. The Bible encourages us to seek them before other things. By God’s plan for us, if we can truly seek His kingdom first, He will ensure that the spiritual things, which have become our priority, endure throughout eternity.
We have a very clear instruction to seek God’s Kingdom over and above all things because it has eternal value. The big question confronting us is, why do people seek other things such as money, position, affluence, comfort etc. before things of eternal value? We did not bring anything to this world and when the time comes for us to go home, we shall take nothing away (1Timothy 6:7).
Every earthly possession is only meant for this life, no matter how important we consider them, and though they may be very expensive, you cannot carry them away or receive any special award for possessing them if you get to heaven. If you make use of the physical resources God blesses you with to meet the needs in the lives of men and women, you will be storing things that will endure for yourself in heaven because God is interested in meeting the needs of the poor.
Here are some enduring things:
1. God’s faithfulness (Psalm 80:33).
2. God’s mercies
3. God’s word
4. Spiritual nourishment
5. Spiritual rewards (1 Corinthians 3:14).
6. God’s kingdom
Remember that those things that endure to eternity cannot be taken away by thieves or robbers.
Prayer Points:
1. Help me, O God, to first seek Your Kingdom above all other things.
2. Teach me, O Lord, to make the possession of spiritual treasures my priority.