2 Peter 1:3-11
Memory Verse:
“For if these things are yours and abound, you will be neither barren nor unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ” (2 Peter 1:8).
Character is the sum total of personal traits that define a person. Character has special reference to moral qualities, ethical standards and principles that govern a person’s conduct and choice of action. A Christian’s character growth is based upon allowing God to develop His attributes in our personal lives.
Character development is a continuous process in our lives; it depends on our
constantly “beholding” the Lord through His Word. Christian Character requires constantly working on every area of our lives as we walk by faith daily.
We can never become what God wants us to be on our own strength – we must
trust Him to produce His character in us.
We fail to form a character which glorifies God because the desires of the flesh
pressure us to give them an opportunity to be manifested through our bodies.
We make daily decisions through our inner man; whether to obey God’s will or
to yield to the desires of the flesh. This is why Paul enjoins us in Galatians 5:16
to walk always in the spirit so that we do not fulfil the desires of the flesh.
To develop true Christian character traits we must not walk according to the
dictates of the flesh, but according to the Spirit of God. As our mind, emotions
and will are brought under the control of the Holy Spirit, who lives in us,
through obedience to God’s Word, the works of the flesh will not be manifest in our bodies; rather, Christian character traits will be formed in our lives.
Prayer Points:
1. Father, I release myself to You to produce Your character in me.
2. Holy Spirit, I release my mind, emotions and will to You to control.