Proverbs 6:20-29
Memory Verse:
“For the commandment is a lamp, And the law a light; Reproofs of instruction are the way of life” (Proverbs 6:23).
A path is a corridor, passageway or a course that one follows and walks Ain. If any path is dark, there can be trouble as the one passing through it might stumble and fall or get injured. Therefore, there is a need for light to lighten and illuminate a man’s pathway or course in life. The Psalmist
recognised this and said “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path” (Psalm 119:105).
The word of God is the lamp that guides a man’s feet so he can walk upright and pleasing unto Him. It is a lamp to your feet, meaning a lamp to every step you take in life, helping you to see far and walk far without erring. The word of God has divine instruction for our lives. Having light in the
Scripture is an emblem of joy; hence as the word of God is the lamp to your path, you find and walk in joy all the days of your life. Light is also the cause of beauty, so your path is beautified by the word of God. Light is a symbol of knowledge, therefore, you will walk in knowledge if you have the word of God in you.
Light means manifestation. Light manifests and shows forth. When your pathway is guided by the word of God, you will be brought to limelight. Spend more time with the word of God, so that you can walk in wisdom and your path shine brighter.
Prayer Points:
1. Father, let the light of Your word chase out every darkness on my pathway.
2. Dear Holy Spirit, help me to read, study and meditate on Your word daily