2A, Davies Street, Ketu, Lagos State.



John 4:7-14

Memory Verse:
“But whoever drinks of the water that I shall give him will never thirst. But the water that I shall give him will become in him a fountain of water springing up into everlasting life” (John 4:14).

To be thirsty is to be in desperate need of water. Everyone, at one time or the other, has been thirsty, is thirsty and will be thirsty. Drinking water brings refreshment. It brings satisfaction and nourishment. When you are thirsty, the best drink you need is water because nothing else quenches
thirst like water. Jesus asked the woman at the well for water, but she could not understand why
He, a Jew, would make that request of her, a Samaritan. This led to their conversation during which Jesus told her of the greater satisfaction one can get from drinking the water He offers. Jesus was referring to spiritual, not physical water. The water that Jesus gives provides great nourishment and is refreshing to the soul. If you drink the water He offers, you will never thirst again. Not
just that you will never thirst again, there will be a fountain springing from you to refresh others. Jesus was talking about the Holy Spirit as He mentioned, again, in John 7:38-39, explaining that whoever believes in Him, out of him, shall flow rivers of living water.
When you “drink” from Jesus’ words, you will not thirst again. Drinking from Jesus is accepting Him as your Saviour and Lord and living according to His dictates. Continue to drink from Jesus. And, if you are yet to “drink” from Him, do so today, so that you may have eternal life and not thirst again.

Prayer Points:
1. Father, I choose to drink from Jesus, let me not thirst again.
2. Oh Lord, give me understanding

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