2A, Davies Street, Ketu, Lagos State.



1 Samuel 2 :1-11
Memory Verse:
“There is none holy like the LORD, for there is none besides You, nor is there any rock like our God” (1Samuel 2:2).

The expectant mother goes through labour pains, which can sometimes be protracted. When, however, she is delivered of her baby, she forgets her pains and rejoices because of the baby that is born. Almost in all human endeavours, there is rejoicing after pain. In Nehemiah 2:2-8, through divine assistance coupled with the sterling leadership qualities of Nehemiah and the determination of the Jews, the wall of Jerusalem was rebuilt. Nehemiah and his fellow builders were slandered,
threatened, and harassed by their enemies, so much that they almost gave in to despair. But to the consternation of their enemies, Jerusalem regained her glory and her reproach was taken away. This gave the occasion to the Jews to celebrate and to wholesomely praise God. The priests and the Levites came together to purify themselves, the people, the gates, and the wall. Hannah, the mother of the greatest prophet of Israel, Samuel, was faced with weeping, harassment and mockery, for the Bible says “her rival also provoked her severely, to make her miserable because the Lord had closed her womb (1Samuel 1:6).

Today, God still inhabits the praise of His people. Jesus Christ, the builder of the Church declared, “I will build My church and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it” (Matthew 16:18b). What matters most, and that should be an anchor you are holding unto, is the promise of God in His word concerning that overwhelming problem, storm or pain you are going through now.
Surrender all, cooperate with God, and you will surely laugh over that storm.

Prayer points:
1. O Lord, be my anchor in the wilderness of life’s troubles.
2. Lord, put a new song in my mouth.

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