2 Corinthians 10:3-5
Memory Verse: “However, this kind does not go out except by prayer and fasting” (Matthew 17:21).
song writer says “Prayer is the key, prayer is the key, prayer is the Amaster key.” Prayer is communicating with God. Prayer helps us to navigate the hurdles of life. Do not allow Satan to cheat you. Soak yourself in the power of prayer. If you are praying and fasting, your spirit gains
while your body is subdued. Prayer is the tool through which we can have successful lives. We can fight the battle of life and be victorious through prayers. Through prayer, God reveals deep and secret things to you, which you could not know ordinarily. To be a Christian without prayers is like life without breath. It is a spiritual transaction with the Creator of heaven and earth. We must pray because we have no other means as children of God. Do not underestimate the power
of prayer. Some things cannot happen without prayer and fasting. Elisha was a man like us and the Bible says that he prayed that it should not rain and it did not. Praying is like sowing a seed and reaping back a hundred fold. It can also be likened to bank deposits which you reap with interest. So, take your prayer life seriously. If our Saviour the Lord Jesus Christ prayed, leaving us an example, then we need to pray. We should pray until our joy is full. Be a prayer warrior. If there is someone to pray, then there is a God to answer.
Prayer Points:
1. God will answer my prayers because I will pray.
2. Lord, grant me the power of prayer.