2A, Davies Street, Ketu, Lagos State.



Professional Etiquette Vs Ungodly Order

Exodus 1:15-21

Memory Verse:
“But the Midwives feared God and did not do as the king of Egypt commanded them, but saved the male children alive” (Exodus 1:17).

Every profession has etiquette which guides their members. The etiquette states the do’s and don’ts of the profession. Likewise, organizations have staff handbooks which state the do’s and don’ts of
the organisations. For example, the Medical Hippocratic oath and the Nurses oath instruct that physician “treat the ill to the best of one’s ability…. and abstain from whatever is deleterious and mischievous.”

It was a sacred oath like this that Pharaoh, king of Egypt, wanted the Midwives attending to the Hebrews women to break in his babarious, inhuman and  ungodly order to them in his desperate attempt to suppress the male population of Israel (Exodus 1:15&16). The Midwives, however, refused to obey the king’s ungodly command because they feared God. Disobeying the king’s command could have had consequences, such as: Forfeiture of the attached rewards or Incurring the king’s wrath and punishment, e.g., imprisonment or even death.

Many people, including some Christians in today’s world, would easily compromise their beliefs and the sworn etiquette of their professions because of material gains. Remember, however, that for fearing God and refusing the evil  and barbaric order of the king, “God dealt well with the Midwives and made them houses” (Exodus 1:20&21).

Testimonies still abound today of God’s blessings upon His people when they choose to stand with Him, do what is right and reject evil and ungodly commands of earthly kings. So, who would you choose to obey? The ungodly command of the king and its attendant mammon’s reward or God by doing what is right, no matter the consequences?

Prayer Points:
1. Lord, grant me the grace to stand with You and do that which is right in all my dealings.
2. Lord, grant me the courage to reject every evil command from every authority.

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