2 Kings 4:1-7, Isaiah 1:19-20
Memory Verse:
“If you are willing and obedient, You shall eat the good of the land” (Isaiah 1:19).
Prosperity is the condition of being prosperous and having good fortune. PIt is characterised by success and being well off. It is an all round success. When the widow of the late prophet cried out to Prophet Elisha because of the creditors who had come to take her two sons, Elisha asked
her what she had in the house and she said only a jar of oil. She was then instructed to go borrow vessels, get into her house, shut the door behind her and her sons, then pour oil into all the borrowed vessels. She obeyed and got what brought her out of indebtedness into prosperity. Likewise the widow of Zarephath in 1 Kings 17:8-16 obeyed the instruction of Prophet Elijah and she prospered throughout the years of famine in the land. In Luke 5:1-7,Jesus instructed Peter and the other disciples to launch their nets into the deep for a catch of fish, despite the fact that they had toiled all night without a catch. They obeyed and prospered, they caught so much fish that it
was difficult for them to drag the net to the shore. Naaman would have suffered perpetually and died with his leprosy, save for his eventual obedience to go and bathe in the river Jordan as instructed by Elisha, the Prophet.
If you obey the instruction to meditate day and night on the word of God, according to Joshua 1:8, you will be prosperous and have good success. If you are willing and obedient, you will eat the good of the land.
Prayer Points:
1. I come against the operation and activities of the spirit of disobedience in my life.
2. I receive the grace to prosper through obedience.