Psalm 100:1-5
Memory Verse:
“Serve the LORD with gladness: Come before His presence with singing” (Psalm 100:2).
Gladness, happiness, a merry heart and joy are necessary dispositions expected from every child of God who truly wants to serve God in an acceptable way. On the contrary, sadness, dejection and confusion are
the usual traits of the ungodly and, therefore, should be avoided by every child
of God in their service to Him. Psalm 100 enjoins us to serve God with gladness. This means that gladness and service to God are complementary. Serving God with gladness removes all fears and boosts our confidence in trying situations and circumstances. It draws God’s attention to our situations and hastens answers to our prayers. “…if anyone serves Me, him My Father will honour” (John 12:26b).
Zacharias and his wife Elizabeth served God in the temple gladly, in spite of
their childlessness (Luke 1:11-13). As they continued in this attitude, they received their miracle. It suggests therefore, that serving God with a clean and
joyful heart brings about great blessings. Likewise, Abraham demonstrated
faith and joyful disposition towards the service of God and he was duly rewarded. Hannah exhibited the same thing. You can imagine a childless
woman following her husband to Shiloh yearly alongside her rival who had
children. No complaint, no insult, and no nagging from her irrespective of
what she was going through. At the fullness of time, God showed up in her
situation and she became the mother of the greatest priest in Israel
(1 Samuel 1:20-22). You will receive your miracle, if you will choose to serve God with a joyful and merry heart.
Prayer Points:
1. I receive the Spirit of gladness.
2. Holy Spirit, please help me to serve God with gladness always.