2A, Davies Street, Ketu, Lagos State.



1 Kings 21:1-7

Memory Verse:
“So Ahab went into his house sullen and displeased because of the word which Naboth the Jezreelite had spoken to him; for he had said, ‘I will not give you the inheritance of my fathers.’ And he lay down on his bed, and turned away his face, and would eat no food” (1 Kings 21:4).

Do you sulk when you cannot have your way or get what you want? Beware of this and any other bad traits you indulge in. Ahab had approached Naboth requesting his land and inheritance for use as a vegetable garden simply because it was near his palace. Most people have an emotional attachment to things given to them by their parents, not because of their value, but because they are gifts. They in turn give such things to the next generation, their children. One can, therefore, understand Naboth’s refusal, but in reaction to this, Ahab became sullen and displeased! This was not the first time Ahab was reacting this way. In 1 Kings 20:43, after the prophet relayed God’s verdict of punishment to Ahab, he became sullen and displeased instead of being sorry for his error He had freed King Benhadad whom God wanted destroyed.
We usually become unhappy when people go against our plans, suggestions or opinions, forgetting that we are not always right. No one is infallible and, so, we must give adequate room for the opinion of others. Ahab’s bad behaviour fuelled his evil wife’s execution plan for Naboth, killing an innocent man and throwing his family into mourning (1 Kings 21:8-14). Ahab got the vineyard,
but incurred God’s wrath. Examine yourself regularly and make sure that your displeasure is warranted. You are not right all the time, so give others room (Romans 12:6b). Do not indulge yourself in habits that lead you and others to sin against God.

Prayer Points:
1. Forgive me Lord, for always wanting to have my way.
2. By Your Grace, I receive help to overcome my bad traits.

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