2A, Davies Street, Ketu, Lagos State.



Job 30:25-30
Memory Verse:
“Have I not wept with him who was in trouble? Has not my
soul grieved for the poor?” (Job 30:25).

Prayer is a powerful tool in the hands of a believer. We know prayer changes things and it can work wonders. Despite this knowledge,
many seek God only during adversity. They pray for themselves and
their problems. Here is a God who expects you to pray in good times and in bad
times – not just for yourself, but for others also.
In the Bible, we find an interesting character – Job. He underwent all the
possible agonies for no fault of his (Job 1:16-19), yet he trusted in God and
could pray for others. He felt concerned about the plight of other people and
prayed for them. “But I would strengthen you with my mouth, and the
comfort of my lips would relieve your grief” (Job 16:5)
Job was blameless, upright and one who feared God and shunned evil (Job 1:1).
He was a rich man in his time and a good parent concerned about the wellbeing of his children and wife. Yet, he found time to weep and pray for others.
Paul, the Apostle, despite his personal problem, never stopped praying for
those he ministered to.
Are you concerned about your relatives who are not in Christ? Do you weep for
them knowing that hell is beckoning to them? This is one of the major
attributes of a heaven-conscious believer. Are you conscious of the fact that
people are going to hell daily? Do you take time to pray for people around you?
Brethren need your prayers. Pray for them now.
Prayer Points:
1. Lord, I pray that You remember everyone who needs Your touch today.
2. Lord, please strengthen me and help me intercede for others.

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