Genesis 12:1-3
Memory Verse: “And give you the blessing of Abraham, To you and your descendants with you, That you may inherit the land In which you are a stranger, Which God gave to Abraham” (Genesis 28:4).
A young but troublesome man was leaving home for the first time and Ahis father thought it fit to commit him into the hands of the God, whom he had come to know personally. Of what importance was this pronouncement and what effect did it have? The young man was Jacob and his father, Isaac. In instructing Jacob, Isaac blessed him, pronouncing the blessings of Abraham upon him
(Genesis 28:3&4). Immediately after Jacob left home, he had his first personal encounter with God which was a direct result of the blessing and see how his life turned out! When Jacob was returning from this journey 20 years later, he had two wives, two concubines, 12 children, innumerable goats, camels, rams etc., so much so that he gave Esau, his brother, a very valuable peace gift.
The blessings of Abraham attract the presence of God and every other blessing. God said to Abraham, “I will make you a great nation; I will bless you, I will make your name great [i.e. famous]; and you will be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and I will curse those who curse you; and all the families on earth will be blessed through you”(Genesis12:1-3).
The blessings of Abraham will only be effective when and after a relationship with God has been established. The importance of this blessing can be seen in the fact that when Jacob encountered God, his life was changed. An encounter with Jesus changed Saul of Tarsus into the Apostle who preached the Gospel. Have you had that encounter?
Prayer Points:
1. Pray one after the other, the blessings God promised Abraham on yourself.
2. Father, please give me a life transforming encounter.