1 Samuel 29:1-4; 30:1-6
Memory Verse:
“Then David and the people who were with him lifted up their voices and wept, until they had no more power to weep” (1 Samuel 30:4).
David was in the wrong place fighting the wrong battle while his own Dfamily and people were being carted away. A man of God once said that there is nothing the enemy could have done to take anything away from a child of God, except that child had disregarded God’s instruction
on what to do and where to stay. Elimelech left Bethlehem, Judah, to dwell in the country of Moab. At the end of the day, he died and also lost his two sons (Ruth 1:1-5). When Jonah left for Tarshish instead of Nineveh, storms – all sorts of embarrassment and tragedy began to happen to him and those he was journeying with. He ended up in the belly of the shark, until he repented and prayed to God for deliverance (Jonah 1).
Shimei was instructed by King Solomon to build for himself a house in Jerusalem and dwell there and not go out from there to anywhere, with the caveat that the day he went out and crossed the Brook Kidron, he would surely die, and his blood would be on his own head. Although Shimei agreed to this, after three years he broke the agreement and paid for it with his life
(1 Kings 2:36-46).
This year, purpose not to leave the location in which God has placed you. Keep yourself within the boundary of God’s love because when you move out of God’s boundary, you give the enemy unlimited access to deal with you.
Prayer Points:
1. Holy Spirit, please help me to be rightly located always.
2. Father, in your mercy, please relocate me to my rightful location, if I am wrongly located right now.