2A, Davies Street, Ketu, Lagos State.



Text: Luke 15:11-19

Memory Verse: “I will arise and go to my father, and will say to him, ‘Father, I
have sinned against heaven and before you’” (Luke 15:18).

This story centres on a son who requested for his inheritance from his Tfather while the father was still living. He went to a far place where he lived a riotous life and squandered the inheritance on people whose friendship was dependent on his wealth. There is no assurance of security when
one joins himself with strangers (Isaiah 31:1). In the degrading job which he resorted to as a result of lack, he compared himself with his father’s servants. He then decided to go back to his father and
plead for forgiveness. This is what sin can do to you as a child of God. You must constantly evaluate your Christian life and go back to where you missed it, for an unexamined life stands the risk of damnation. It is also worth noting that an early independent life, at times, could be costly, if not well managed. A child who is exposed to freedom without Christ, often misses the mark. Therefore,
children should be properly guarded and guided (Proverbs 29:15).
Again, you need to learn true repentance: godly sorrow, acknowledgment of sin, confession of sin and turning away totally from sin. If you find yourself in this situation, do not allow pride to prevent you from returning to God; having your relationship with Him restored.
Do not allow stubbornness to push you towards self destructive behaviour, which can ruin you both now and in eternity. Do you feel God no longer loves you? If yes, please go to Him in prayer and mend the relationship. It is not too late.

Prayer Points:
1. Oh Lord, let me not walk away from Your presence, goodness and glory.
2. Lord, grant me the grace to always carry out a self-examination.

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