2A, Davies Street, Ketu, Lagos State.



The Place of Prayer

Genesis 28:11-22

Memory Verse:
“And he was afraid and said, ‘how awesome is this place! This is none other than the house of God, and this is the gate of heaven!’” (Genesis 28:17).

place of prayer is a particular spot dedicated solely for prayers; it is a place chosen by a believer to be silent and to commune with God. It is not a place for business, social meetings or a place of advertising and selling wares. Jesus, in Matthew 21:13 says the scriptures declare that “my temple will be called a place of prayers, but you have turned it into a den of thieves!” He then drove out all the money changers and sellers with whips.

Jacob was filled with awe when he encountered God. He identified the place as the house of God and did the following which are worth emulating: he built and consecrated an altar, renamed the place a place of prayer and made a commitment to God. What attitude do you carry to your place of prayer?

Jesus, sometimes, used the mountain as His place of prayer, to commune, receive and empower Himself for more output (Matthew 4:22-31). Daniel’s home was his place of prayer, there he prayed, receiving revelations and
interpretations to those dreams (Daniel 1:22). The apostles, by instruction, stayed in the Upper Room until they encountered the Holy Spirit and their lives never remained the same.

Moses, Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego and several others discovered from experience that He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High, shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. You should have a
place of prayer that you can run to for shelter, not only in times of trouble, but as a habit.

Prayer Points:
1. Lord, give me the right attitude in the place of prayer.
2. Make my place of prayer a place of divine encounter, power and revelation, O Lord.

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