2A, Davies Street, Ketu, Lagos State.



The Spirit Of The Good Samaritan

Luke 10:25-37

Memory Verse:
“And he said, ‘He who showed mercy on him.’ Then Jesus said to him, ‘Go and do likewise'” (Luke 10:37).

A lawyer wanting to justify himself, came to test Jesus with a question. Jesus, therefore, told the parable of the Good Samaritan in order to put him in the right perspective. From this parable we can see the kind of spirit demonstrated by the Good Samaritan that we also need to imbibe, as dear followers of Christ Jesus. First, he had compassion on the wounded man. We need to learn to treat wounded people around us with compassion. Secondly, he treated and nursed the man’s wounds by applying oil. Whenever a member of our family (nuclear or the body of Christ) is “wounded”, what such a person needs is not rebuke and condemnation, but loving treatment from family members.
The Good Samaritan sacrificed his personal resources: time, oil, wine, comfort, donkey and money to help the man in need. We need to make sacrifices of our resources for the needs of others around us. The Good Samaritan further took the wounded man to the Innkeeper for expert nursing beyond the help he was able to offer. How far are you willing to go in caring for those in need around
you and to also take them to the expert “Innkeeper,” Jesus?

The Good Samaritan went the extra mile by demonstrating a willingness to make more sacrifices of resources to help the man as seen in Luke 10:35. That is the right spirit and God is saying to you today “Go and do likewise”.

Prayer Points:
1. Father, please instill in me the spirit of the Good Samaritan.
2. Father, please make me more compassionate.

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