Exodus 3:1-10
Memory Verse:
“Then Moses said, ‘I will now turn aside and see this great sight, why the bush does not burn'” (Exodus 3:3).
Moses saw a burning bush that was not consumed, but he did not just see it, it attracted his attention and he turned aside to see why the bush was not consumed. It was possible for Moses to have seen this sight and continued with his business. However, the Bible says he turned to see the great sight, which was an uncommon occurrence. He stopped what he was doing and turned to see the great sight. Moses wanted to know more and he drew closer. It was when he turned aside to look at this great scene that God spoke to him and gave him the assignment for which He was created and had been nurtured (Exodus 3:4).
Many times, God has had to use unusual ways to get our attention; He used an
unusual way to get Isaiah (Isaiah 6:1-8) and many others. Is God calling your
attention today? Are you listening to Him? Are you giving Him the necessary
attention and responding to His call? Sometimes He may be using some things
to call your attention to sin in your life or to deliver you from evil that may
destroy you or have adverse effects on your life or future. So, are you listening,
noticing and responding to God?
You have to be sensitive to God so that you will not be busy doing your own
thing when God is calling you for something else, He wants you to accomplish
for Him. Do not be distracted.
Prayer Points:
1. Father, please deliver me from every distraction.
2. Ask God to deliver you from busyness that kills sensitivity to the purpose of
God for your life.