Numbers 20: 7-13
Memory Verse:
“Then Moses lifted his hand and struck the rock twice with his rod; and water came out abundantly, and the congregation and their animals drank” (Numbers 20:11).
On their journey to the Promised Land, the new generation of Israelites came to the Zin desert, where there was no water to drink. The people murmured against Moses and Aaron and the two leaders presented the case to God. The Lord instructed Moses to take the rod, the same rod that
was used to smite the Rock in Rephidim (Exodus 17:6). He and Aaron were to assemble the people and speak to the Rock in the presence of the congregation.
Moses took the rod and assembled the congregation as instructed. However, in anger, he called the people of God rebels (Numbers 20:10) and, instead of speaking to the Rock and calling forth the blessings, he struck it twice. Water came out of the Rock in abundance, despite Moses’ sin of disobedience, but Moses and Aaron were punished by God because they did not sanctify Him
before the Assembly of Israel. The lessons for us are as follows:
1. How we handle God’s instructions is very important in our relationship with Him.
2. We should always listen carefully to God’s instructions and carry them out as commanded.
3. We should learn to control our emotions, even under provocation.
4. The Rock representing Christ had already been smitten in Rephidim symbolising His ultimate sacrifice for mankind. That is, our redemption is total.
5. God’s blessings should not be mistaken for His approval of our unwholesome act. You must remember that if Moses, who was very close to God, could be punished for disobedience, then no man is above God’s discipline. Be warned.
Prayer Points:
1. Heavenly Father, help me to control my anger.
2. In every circumstance, Father, help me to obey Your instructions.