2A, Davies Street, Ketu, Lagos State.



Worship Brings Intimacy With God

Revelation 4:2-11

Memory Verse:
“You are worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power; For You created all things, And by Your will they exist and were created” (Revelation 4:11).

When we worship God, it brings us closer to our Maker. Worship was designed by God Himself as a means through which mankind can have a closer relationship with Him. Worship is to express our admiration and high sense of honour to Him. It is to express and esteem how worthy our God and Father is (Genesis 24:26).
Several years ago, I was woken up from a very deep sleep by a lady singing a song. Though the song was very familiar, I knew it was coming from someone who had a very close relationship with God. Immediately I realised that this was an intimacy that originated from her close walk with God.
As children of the most High God, He expects us to worship Him so as to have a closer relationship with Him. But how can worship bring intimacy with God?
1. It shows a true knowledge of God. If we want to have a closer relationship with Him, we must know that true worship is grounded in the knowledge of Him. True knowledge implies knowing Him as He is revealed in His word. For you to desire to know Him and have an intimate relationship with Him, you must, therefore, seek to be thoroughly familiar with His Word.
2. You cannot have intimacy with God in your worship if your life is characterised by disobedience rather than submission to Him. Those who refuse to obey God cannot claim to know Him as a Father.
3. When you worship Him you glorify Him (Exodus 34:8).

Prayer Points:
1. Father, grant me the grace to worship You and to have an intimate relationship with You.
2. Lord, let my praise and worship be acceptable unto You.

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