2A, Davies Street, Ketu, Lagos State.



You Have A Lot To Live For

Psalm 119: 115-118
Memory Verse:
“Uphold me according to Your word, that I may live: And do not let me be ashamed of my hope” (Psalm 119:116).

God has deposited a lot in you. He has given you His Spirit, power, ability, wisdom and strength, and expects that these resources would not be wasted, but utilised through the power of divine grace. King David had a heart for praising God. All he desired was to always live for God.

Do you have a heart for God and His purpose? You were created for a purpose;
you are here on assignment to fulfil that purpose. When Jesus was on earth, He went about doing good (Acts 10:38). Likewise, God has given you His Spirit, power, ability, wisdom and strength and expects you to put these resources to effective use through the power of His grace. You have become a prized possession of Jesus. You should therefore go about impacting lives positively as an agent of light in this dark world. To be a light, the following should be evident in your life:
1. Your life should bring pleasure and glory to God daily (Revelation 4:11).
2. You should live like Jesus and your exemplary good Christian conduct and
testimony should be able to stimulate the interest of people around you in
seeking to know Jesus.
3. You should live to pass on the message of salvation and bear fruits as commanded by Jesus (John 15: 16).
It is disloyalty to God, if you still live for your own self-interest. Therefore, be
determined to change your ways and do all you can to redeem the little time on
your hands.

Prayer Points:
1. Lord, help me to live for You and be a blessing to people.
2. My Father, give me the full understanding of what You want me to live for.

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