2A, Davies Street, Ketu, Lagos State.



Are You With The Wrong Crowd?

Genesis 34:1-7

Memory Verse: “And Dinah the daughter of Leah, whom she had borne to Jacob, went out to see the daughters of the land” (Genesis 34:1).

Life, generally, presents us with choices. The most important of these choices often comes down to the people we choose to hang out with and from whom we get advice. Most often than not, the kind of relationship we keep can become an indicator of who we are and what we will turn out to be
in the long run. Dinah, the daughter of Jacob, had been keeping company with the girls in the neighbourhood, whose lifestyle and faith did not reflect her own. It would not be out of place to suggest that in the process of time, she began to manifest the attributes of those she was messing around with. It was all okay until Shechem, a prince of the land, took advantage of her and defiled her. What followed thereafter was never in her initial imagination. An entire chapter is dedicated
to catalogue the events that spiralled from an innocent hanging out to rape, lust, anger, deceit, murder and carnage. Who have you been hanging out with lately? When you are in their company,
what do you discuss? And where do you hang out? Evil communications corrupt good manners (1 Corinthians 15:33). What you constantly feed into your system eventually alters your thought process and affects the totality of your being. Are there red flags being raised by those who love you and want you to take corrections? Perhaps, you should listen.
The consequence of an innocent action can often be outside what we are able to control. You can decide to turn back now and make a change before it is too late.

Prayer Points:
1. Help me, O Lord, to have fellowship with only those who can positively impact my life.
2. Grant me the grace to accept the right counsel.

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