Genesis 19:4-10; Matthew 25:6-10
Memory Verse:
“And while they went to buy, the bridegroom came, and those who were ready went in with him to the wedding; and the door was shut” (Matthew 25:10).
A shut door symbolises privacy. We shut doors behind us as we move from room to room for various reasons, which may include to preserve the sanctity and privacy of people or things kept in the room, to prevent disturbance, unlawful entry by people, rodents or to ensure notice is given by whoever seeks to enter. Wise people will ask or, at least, knock before opening a closed door. In Genesis 19:4-10, we see two instances of the door being shut. Lot shut the door of his house behind him to speak privately to his evil neighbours and protect his visitors. The visitors, who were Angels, also shut the door against the evil men after pulling Lot back into the house. In Judges 3:15-24, Ehud shut the doors to Eglon, the King of Moab’s room, to conceal his act after executing
God’s judgement of death upon Eglon.
In life, doors get shut against us sometimes because we are careless and have not prepared diligently. Such was the case with the five foolish virgins. Are you diligent in your preparations at work, home or with your assignments in church? How often do you, like Adam, blame others for your predicaments? You may blame others for shut doors, but the doors, unfortunately, have been
shut regardless. The 5 foolish virgins’ acts of unpreparedness for the Groom whose return they
had long awaited, led to the door being shut against them. Do not wait for the door to be shut against you before you retrace your steps.
Prayer Points:
1. Lord, forgive me for the times I have taken decisions without asking Your input.
2. Lord, please help me to be more diligent in my preparations from now on.