Acts 11:20-26
Memory Verse:
“And the disciples were first called Christians in Antioch” (Acts 11:26b).
To conform means to be in accordance with a set of regulations or policies. It also means to behave in the manner of others while image simply means a representative of a real object. To conform to the image of Christ means to be like Him or a representative of Jesus Christ on earth. The name Christian was given to early believers in Antioch because the people saw that they were like Christ. They were like Him in the way they taught people, in conversation, in charity, in faith, in purity, in conduct and in their manner of dressing. They were full of the Holy Spirit.
Are you living in conformity with the guidelines and commands of the Lord Jesus as found in the Bible? How obedient are you to His words? To be like Jesus, you must believe and live by His word. Are you like Jesus in your behaviour, conduct and character? Anywhere you find yourself, you must, as a Christian, be a good ambassador of our Lord Jesus Christ.
When people saw Peter they saw him as an image of God, and he did not need to introduce himself as one of the disciples of Jesus. Can people see Christ in you without an introduction? “By their fruits you will know them” (Matthew 7:20). Do your fruits reflect the image of Christ? Who do you
resemble? Whose image are you, Satan’s or Jesus Christ’s? Let the image of Christ be seen in you.
Prayer Points:
1. Lord, I want to conform to Your image.
2. Father, remove anything that is not Yours from my life.