Exodus 3:1-10
Memory Verse:
“And the Lord said: ‘I have surely seen the oppression of My people who are in Egypt, and have heard their cry because of their taskmasters, for I know their sorrows” (Exodus 3:7).
Nobody prays for sorrow at any time, but it comes when one is deeply distressed by either a loss or a disappointment. It comes when one experiences misfortune and mishaps. Certain things happen along the journey of life that are unexpected, sometimes as a result of wrong choices or otherwise. But there is a great assurance for anyone who is in Christ, because God sees and knows such sorrows. He will always come to rescue and deliver, if we call upon Him.
The children of Israel experienced oppression in the land of Egypt for so many years, and had cried as a result of their taskmasters and oppressors. A time came when God commissioned Moses to lead them out because He had seen their oppression and heard their cry. He was set to deliver them, and He did. Hannah described herself as ‘a woman of sorrowful spirit’ before she had
Samuel (1 Samuel 1:15) and David when he realised God had delivered him from ‘the sorrows of sheol’ that surrounded him sang a song of deliverance (2 Samuel 22:6-21). Nehemiah, Esther and the Jews in her kingdom all had their sorrows turned to joy when they cried to the Lord (Esther 8:21-23).
God has seen your oppression, knows your sorrows and has heard your cry. Maybe you have been crying over a particular issue for years, wipe away your tears. Cry no more, because, the maker of heaven and earth says, ‘I have heard your cry!’ Believe Him today, stand on His promises and rejoice in Him.
Prayer Points:
1. O Lord, thank You, for You know my sorrows.
2. Please, Father, turn all my sorrows into joy.