2A, Davies Street, Ketu, Lagos State.



” I Want To Remind You” 2

Genesis 2:15&16; 3:17-19

Memory Verse:
“In the sweat of your face you shall eat bread till you return to the ground, For out of it you were taken; For dust you are,And to dust you shall return” (Genesis 3:19).

Walking with and serving the Lord is a choice, though a demand by God. God, in relating with human beings, spells out His demands and desires, but He leaves the choice to follow to each
individual. After creating a world of His dream, God made the first man, Adam, in His
image out of the dust of the ground, and put him in the Garden of Eden with very clear and strict instructions. He was not to eat of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil (Genesis 2:16&17). His disobedience would have a penalty – death. We are not told whether Adam was told from the beginning that he originated from dust and that he only became a living being when God
breathed into him, or the nature of the death penalty.
Anyway, Adam disobeyed God’s instructions, fell from grace and was promptly reminded of his origin by God. This was similar to the case of the unforgiving servant who owed his master, the king, so much and was forgiven, but would not forgive his fellow servant in Matthew 18:23-30. After his unforgiving behaviour, his master reminded him of the privilege of being
forgiven that he had enjoyed, but failed to reciprocate. Please be reminded that God’s instructions to you in John 3:16-18 are very clear. He has made a provision for the redemption of the world and that includes you. If you receive His invitation and believe in His Son, you will be saved and have eternal life. If not, you will be damned.

Prayer Points:
1. I acknowledge and accept Your invitation to believe in Jesus, O God.
2. May I never forget Your various instructions to me, so I can walk in obedience.

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