Text: Ruth 2:2-12
Memory Verse: “The Lord repay your work, and a full reward be given you by the Lord God of Israel, under whose wings you have come for refuge” (Ruth 2:12).
What a prayer! This was Boaz’s prayer for Ruth when they met for the first time, having heard of all that she had done for her mother-in-law since the death of her husband. She had left all,
come to a people whom she did not know and taken refuge under their God. Her kindness had spoken for her. To repay is to pay back, either in return or in compensation. Boaz’s prayer was
that Ruth get exactly what she had done. Can you honestly pray that prayer for yourself? Have you been kind to your spouse, children, neighbours, colleagues and friends. You may have been disappointed by their actions, but were you kind in return or did you repay evil for evil (Romans 12:17&18)? Were your utterances or actions harsh and unkind? Will you like a full reward?
David prayed a similar prayer after letting Saul go unharmed even when he could have killed him (1 Samuel 26:23). He had repaid Saul’s evil with good. David also repaid Jonathan’s kindness to him by taking care of his son, Mephibosheth. Joash, however, did not remember the kindness of Jehoiada who hid, raised and installed him king at his own risk. He consented to his son, Zechariah, being stoned to death (1 Chronicles 24:22).
Power oftentimes intoxicates and leads to high handedness. Are you kind to others over whom you have an edge? You can be kind to all, including the undeserving. That way you will be like your Heavenly Father, who causes it to rain on both the deserving and the undeserving.
Prayer Points:
1. Lord, please forgive me for the times I have been unkind.
2. Lord, grant me more grace to be merciful to others.