2A, Davies Street, Ketu, Lagos State.



Respect Your Marriage Vows

Malachi 2:10-16

Memory Verse:
“Yet you say, ‘For what reason?’ Because the Lord has been witness between you and the wife of your youth, with whom you have dealt treacherously; yet she is your companion and your wife by covenant” (Malachi 2:14).

Marriage is a legal union between a husband and a wife while a vow is a formal and serious promise taken to do something. In marriage, vows are promises taken by a man and a woman to abide within the covenant of their marriage. Their marital vow is witnessed by many people on
their wedding day but, most especially, by God. Malachi 2:14 shows that the Lord is a witness between the man and the woman when marriage vows are made. Marriage according to God’s will is not something to joke with. It is not a contract like some see it, but a covenant with
God, as a divine witness. Today, we read of a man who failed to keep his marital vows. It has been
observed that only a few pay attention when they take their marital vows and even revisit it later. This is notwithstanding that the taking of vows is the most important part of the wedding ceremony as every single word of it is a solemn promise not to deal deceitfully with one’s partner.
The Lord is not happy with anyone who breaks the marriage covenant (1 Corinthians 7:10) and doing anything contrary to the vows amounts to breaking the covenant. Marriage is honourable in all; not in one, but in all (Hebrews 13:4). Therefore, we must respect every single word of the vow we took in God’s presence because going against it brings a curse. Show total respect for every promise made, for there to be success and fulfillment in your marriage.

Prayer Points:
1. Thank God for your spouse.
2. Father, give me grace and strength to keep and respect my marital vows.

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