2A, Davies Street, Ketu, Lagos State.



Revelation Of God’s Power 2

John 11:38-45

Memory Verse:
“Then many of the Jews who had come to Mary, and had seen the things Jesus did, believed in Him” (John 11:45).

The revelation of His power brings out His glory. When God reveals His Tpower, the miraculous happens just as in the cases of the Israelites at the Red Sea and the raising up of Lazarus from the dead. The Israelites were confronted with the Red Sea as the Egyptian Chariots pursued them.
With seemingly no way or solution in view, God revealed His Power. The Red Sea was divided into two, stood in a heap on either side, and there was a way for them to escape. The Lord will make a way for you. 600,000 men not counting the women and children passed through without any stampede or chaos, and their enemies were permanently silenced and destroyed. Lazarus had been dead and buried for four days and so there was no controversy as to whether he truly died or not. People were already gathered consoling and comforting his sisters. All hope of having their brother back was lost when suddenly, Jesus changed the narratives. He calls those things that are not as if
they are. He is the resurrection and the life, and raised Lazarus from the dead.
Some marriages are dead; Some wombs are dead; Some finances are dead; Some businesses are dead but whatever is dead in you, will receive life in Jesus name no matter how long it has been dead, Are you a friend of Jesus like Lazarus was? Will you invite Him into your life,
just like Mary and Martha did?

Prayer Points:
I. Declare that every dead virtue in me receives life.
2. Let every breakthrough that is dead and buried come alive.

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