2A, Davies Street, Ketu, Lagos State.



Romans 2:17-24

Memory Verse:
“You are our epistle written in our hearts, known and read by all men” (2 Corinthians 3:2).

At every point in time, people are reading one thing or the other. It may be for the purpose of building their knowledge capacity, to keep busy or to kill boredom. The pages of newsprint, the various platforms of electronic media, the different text books and magazines etc, serve as tools for
disseminating one form of information or the other to countless numbers of people, even far beyond the border of the news origin. But do you know that a category of people have been substituted by God for these various forms of enlightenment media? Just like the written text, this
category of people have become the “Trendsetters”. However, unlike the world approved media, they speak, walk and act the heavenly approved lifestyle (2 Corinthians 3:3).
If we know that everyone, believer and non-believer, alike, is reading and watching us, we must understand that the impression we are creating is important. It will go a long-way in determining whether or not those around us accept or reject Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour (Romans 2:19-24).
The Bible is written for people’s instruction, but you are the epistle read by all men. Your life clearly depicts the epistle of Christ written, not with ink, but by the Spirit of the living God. Therefore, those things which you have learnt, received, heard and seen of the Lord, do. And the God of grace and peace shall be with you.

Prayer Points:
1. Heavenly Father, please help me to make amends wherever I have become a stumbling block to the salvation of others.
2. I receive the power I need to be Your witness to all the people and nations.

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