2A, Davies Street, Ketu, Lagos State.



Genesis 37:2-11

Memory Verse:
“Now Joseph had a dream, and he told it to his brothers; and they hated him even more” (Genesis 37:5).

The spirit of hatred is said to be the evil in all the doings of men and leads them astray. No matter what you do, the hater will not be pleased, it will rather be an abomination to him; even if you show love, work righteousness and fear God, he will still not love you. This we see demonstrated by the brothers of Joseph. When Joseph dreamt and shared with them, rather than reason and wish him the best in life, they hated him the more. Joseph was the eleventh of Jacob’s twelve sons and the first son of his most loved wife, Rachel. Israel loved Joseph more than all his children because he was the son of his old age. He also made him a tunic of many colours. Joseph’s brothers, therefore, hated him because their father loved him more than them all.
The spirit of hatred disapproves of the truth, envies him that prospers, welcomes evil-speaking, loves arrogance, ignores the instructions of God, delights in a brother’s fall and requests urgent judgement for his fall. It also stirs a servant up against his master, works with envy against them that prosper, works together with Satan and can lead to murder or attempted murder as seen in the case of Joseph’s brother, and king Saul against David.
Hatred is evil and it constantly pairs up with lying, slander, wrath, violence etc. and fills the heart with evil and devilish poison (1 John 2:11). As children of God, we must constantly guard against the spirit of hatred in our lives as hatred blinds the soul.

Prayer Points:
1. Father, purge my heart from every trace of hatred.
2. Holy Spirit, please, let the spirit of love override the spirit of hatred in me.

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