2A, Davies Street, Ketu, Lagos State.



What Type Of Leader Are You?

John 13:2-9; 12-16

Memory Verse:
“If I then, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another’s feet” (John 13:14).

I hear you retort in your heart “I am not a leader.” That is not true. Anytime you have to galvanise people’s effort to achieve a desired or set goal, you are the leader. If there is no such time yet, you will have the opportunity someday. So what type of leader are you or would you be?
Literature on leadership advocates servant leadership and leadership by example as the best ways to lead. But what do we have? Leaders who want to be served. You find them everywhere, even in the church. Jesus demonstrated that leadership is about service to the people. He stooped low to wash the feet of His disciples, a job meant for household servants in that clime. No wonder
Peter protested at first. Jesus, ever humble and consistent, advocated this servant leadership style in Matthew20:25-27 when he responded to the sons of Zebedee’s desire for choice positions in His Kingdom. Wherever and whenever you find yourself at the helm of affairs, remember this leadership style. Always remember that the position you hold now is by God’s grace and the dice is still rolling, the table can turn tomorrow. When you are leading, serve and do to others what you
wish to be done to you should positions change. May God give you grace to be humble and walk in the exemplary footsteps of your Master, Jesus, wherever you find yourself and whatever you have to do.

Prayer Points:
1. Lord Jesus, give me grace to be like You whenever I find myself leading.
2. Touch the heart of Nigerian leaders, O Lord.

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