Genesis 2:15-25
Memory Verse:
“And the Lord God said; it is not good that the man should be
alone; I will make him a help meet for him” (Genesis 2:18, KJV).
We can clearly see the Lord making a profound statement about the condition of man and the way out. The word ‘help’ signifies a state whereby one cannot adequately perform a task alone and
needs assistance. That means a man cannot personally fulfill all the responsibilities given to him by God; he, therefore, needs help. The word ‘meet’ comes from the Hebrew word meaning ‘opposite’ i.e. she will be like him, but with opposite attributes, to complement and correspond to him. A real help meet, speaks about a woman who aids or supplies that which a man cannot provide for himself, thereby complementing him always. A real help meet is a virtuous woman, who does all for the well being of the family and, especially, the husband (Proverbs 31:10-20).
A wife must be a true helper to her husband, not a liability. They must complement each other. Couples must see themselves as two halves that became a whole the day they got married, and should not act as separate entities. Acquila and Priscilla serve as a good example (Acts 18:26).
Husbands, do not see your wives as slaves but, rather, as the ones whom the Lord created to provide help and assistance to you in fulfilling God’s purpose for your lives. A real help meet will not be selfish; she will work diligently side by side with her husband to fulfill God’s purpose. You must love, respect, value, cherish and honour your spouse, she is a helper suitable to you, not your
Prayer Points:
1. Lord, I thank you for giving me my spouse.
2. Lord, strengthen spouses to be who you created them to be.