John 18:16&17, 25-27
Memory Verse:
“Now Simon Peter stood and warmed himself. Therefore, they said to him, ‘You are not also one of His disciples, are you?’ He denied it and said, ‘I am not!’” (John 18:25).
A group of terrorists reportedly stormed a church vigil interrupting their fellowship. The intruders asked the worshippers to renounce their faith or face death. Out of fear, some of the worshippers
complied while the others chose the death option. The leader of the terrorists commented that the members that complied were worthless and could betray them at the slightest opportunity. He therefore ordered their execution, sparing the worshippers that did not.
You need to know that the hand of God is not short to make Him unable to deliver people who trust Him (Isaiah 59:1). When fear gripped Peter, he quickly forgot his promise and denied Jesus thrice in succession. Indeed, fear attacked his faith so much that he swore falsely that he did not know Jesus. We may not be confronted physically as Peter and the church members were, but some of our actions or inactions portend denying Jesus. You are denying Jesus when you engage in the falsification of your documents in order to secure a job. You are also denying Jesus when you know what is right and decide not to do it. You are denying the Lord when you indulge in cultural practices or traditional worship that are opposed to Biblical doctrines.
Denying Jesus can lead to spiritual and physical death. It can also lead to the forfeiture of peace and rest. Remember that Jesus said that He will deny anyone who denies Him on earth, in heaven (Luke 12:9).
Prayer Points:
1. Father, forgive me for the times I have failed You.
2. Lord, strengthen my heart and faith to hold on to You no matter what.