2A, Davies Street, Ketu, Lagos State.



Luke 19:12-23

Memory Verse:
“So he called ten of his servants, delivered to them ten minas, and said to them, ‘Do business till I come” (Luke 19:13).

All men and women are authorised to rule the world (Genesis 1:24-26). However, it is saddening to note that several believers are ignorant of this truth and prefer to remain under the control of things over which God has put man.
In Luke 19, further assignments and specific instructions were given to some servants. They were authorised to rule using the seeds, giftings, talents and resources they were endowed with. Not only were they authorised to rule, they were also held accountable for what they were given (Luke 19:15-25). Are you accountable for all God has endowed you with? ‘What you don’t know doesn’t kill you’ is a statement that has been repeated over and over again. What a big lie! Ignorance is the biggest killer of all times.

God is not the author of confusion, so nothing in creation exists without specific authority from Him. The authority of the sun is to provide warmth and light in the universe. God’s desire for man is that we should occupy on His behalf. Man has been endowed with natural talents, spiritual gifts and special skills to be able to rule (Exodus 28:3).

This is the reason for the superpower gift, the facility called the brain – a digital memory bank with an unbelievable storage capacity equivalent of 2.5 million gigabytes that He has divinely bestowed on human beings. We must use this and all that God has put at our disposal to occupy for Him till Jesus returns. How are you using God’s authority to rule?

Prayer Points:
1. Father, help me to unveil the beauty of my personal authority.

2. I pray for fresh oil to come upon the Church, to facilitate the full exercise of  individual and corporate authority.

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