Genesis 18:1-10
Memory Verse:
“And He said, ‘I will certainly return to you according to the time of life, and behold, Sarah your wife shall have a son'” (Genesis 18:10a).
Transferring aggression is when you channel your anger to a person or Tsomething that is not the cause of the anger. Simply put, someone or something annoyed you, and then you take out your anger on something or someone else. This is known as misplaced anger. Some people transfer aggression when what they need or want is not forthcoming. Because their expectation is not met, they stop being good, generous, kind, hospitable etc. They change their virtues to vices or become
indifferent. Some people transfer aggression to their places of work, school etc, because of some misunderstanding at home or vice versa, thereby misbehaving there.
Abraham did not transfer aggression, despite the childless situation he was going through; rather he deemed it fit to entertain angels. Sarah did not consider her situation, but was kind enough to provide them with a meal. Hannah, in her state of barrenness, despite being provoked by Peninnah and misunderstood by Eli, did not misbehave, but remained calm and focused on God in prayer (1 Samuel 1:1-27). They all came out victorious. They had the rule over their spirit (Proverbs 25:28).
No matter the situation that you find yourself in, do not transfer aggression. The situation in which you find yourself, is just for a while; it will soon fizzle away. If you transfer aggression and your situation eventually changes, what manner of person would you want to be remembered as? Hannah’s barrenness changed, Sarah conceived and bore a child. Your situation cannot be an
exception. Stay calm, relax and you will overcome.
Prayer Points:
1. Lord, help me to be in control of my spirit.
2. Lord, I will not miss my angelic visitation through mis-behaviour.