2A, Davies Street, Ketu, Lagos State.



Genesis 19:16-26

Memory Verse:
“So it came to pass, when they had brought them outside, that he said, ‘Escape for your life! Do not look behind you nor stay anywhere in the plain. Escape to the mountains, lest you be destroyed.’” (Genesis 19:17).

To escape is to get away from a particular place, especially a place of danger. Escaping to a mountain means to run to a place where there is safety, stability and security. Psalm 121:1 says, “I lift up my eyes to the mountains – where does my help come from?” (NIV) The mountain signifies
the place of God, the maker of heaven and earth.
By the mercy of the Lord, the angels on assignment to rescue Lot and his family took hold of them, even when they were reluctant to leave, brought them out of the land of Sodom and Gomorrah and gave them the instruction to escape for their lives. They were not to look back, but were to escape to the mountains, so as not to be destroyed. Unfortunately, Lot’s wife did not heed the instruction; she looked back and became a pillar of salt. Rahab, the harlot, also gave a similar instruction to the two spies that were sent to spy the land of Jericho in Joshua 2:16. She told them to go to the mountains
and wait there, so that the men who were pursuing them would not find them. The call to escape to the mountain comes to us from time to time, especially in perilous times like these. The mountain signifies a place of refuge in God, shielding us from trouble. Escape for your life by ensuring that your feet are rooted in Christ. Keep your eyes fixed on Him and do not allow anything to distract you from following Him. He is a sure refuge and place of safety.

Prayer Points:
1. Father, give me grace not to ignore your instruction at any point in time.
2. Lord, I run to you for safety.

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