Ephesians 4:1-6
Memory Verse:
“with all lowliness and gentleness, with longsuffering, bearing with one another in love” (Ephesians 1:2).
To forbear means “to put up with”, “to be lenient”, “to be patient” and “to persevere”. It also means to be at peace with another, even when it is almost impossible. This is a command we must obey, if we are to be recognised as Christ’s disciples (Galatians 6:2). We must live peaceably with one another, correcting in love and forgiving as the need arises. We must always remember that, if God had not been patient and shown us mercy, we would have been consumed. Jesus is our example; He was made sin for us that we may have His righteousness. He endured shame, scourging, slandering, pain and loneliness for our sake. We ought to live peaceably with others, so that the love of Christ will be seen practically and spread to those who do not believe in Him.
As believers, we have the mind of Christ, and there is no offence that is too grave for us to forgive. If we live in the Spirit, we will not fulfil the law of the flesh. When we obey, we will enjoy the peace of God. There will be freedom from any form of rancour, bitterness and hatred. Our prayers will be answered. People around us will know that we are children of God. Witnessing to others about Christ will be easy and souls will be won for Him. Let genuine love be the pivot of our relationship. We must love even those who are “unlovable.”
Prayer Points:
1. Lord Jesus, help me to be like You in speech and conduct.
2. Grant me grace to guard my salvation, so that I will continue to be Your temple.