Numbers 12:1-10
Memory Verse:
“Then Miriam and Aaron spoke against Moses because of the Ethiopian woman whom he had married; for he had married an Ethiopian woman. So they said, ‘Has the LORD indeed spoken only through Moses? Has He not spoken through us also?’ And the LORD heard it” (Numbers 12:1&2).
There are many kingdom rebels today, many supposedly sons and Tdaughters of God who are saboteurs, making the job of the pastor or a unit leader difficult. Many are not after the prosperity of the spiritual growth of the fold but after strife and division through the deployment of
character assassination tools. Miriam and Aaron, both with a ministerial assignment, stirred up and recruited men into their camp to withstand the one whom God has posited over them. Perhaps, they were jealous of Moses in that God made him, who was the third born, the leader of the clan and God worked mighty miracles through him. Over time, this created anger, resentment and bitterness towards Moses, until an opportunity presented itself for them to unleash an outburst against him.
Miriam and Aaron could have called their brother privately and heard him out, but they chose to make it a public spectacle by inciting the people against his leadership and authority. The damage they thought was aimed at Moses alone had an effect on the entire fold. In the long run, God was angry with them and He punished them for the cancerous effect they sponsored in the fold
(Numbers 12:5-9). In the fold in which God has positioned you, are you an instrument that unites or one that brings division and the breakdown of order amongst the flock? Remember, God has not changed, even today, He is still not pleased with such. It is time to desist and repent so as to avert His wrath!
Prayer Points:
1. Use me, Lord, to unite the fold.
2. Help me to make valuable contributions and a good impact in Your fold.