Psalm 18:1-6
Memory Verse:
“I will love You, O Lord, my strength” (Psalm 18:1).
Kain, a refugee, worked hard to succeed in a strange land. Then he met Abel, a rich young banker, who he believed could help him set up a hotel business. Unfortunately, Kain’s application to the bank for a loan was denied, leaving him very angry and bitter. He had expected his friend
to help him and was disappointed. Although the bank denied him because of the high risk and laid down rules, Abel decided to help him personally, but anonymously. This information, at Abel’s instruction, was not released to Kain until after Abel’s death.
We each take decisions which determine our course of action moment by moment. In Psalm 18:1, David decided to love the Lord with all his strength. His heart must have turned in the right direction, in spite of the situation he may have found himself in. Following that decision helped him to be in good standing with God and, most likely, with men. One right decision guided by
the Holy Spirit usually leads to many others. Again, in Psalm 18:3,David decided to call on God for help when he was in trouble and God came through for him. There are 180 “I will” in Genesis
signifying decisions taken by God and people to make positive changes to situations.
Many things can be corrected, if you take the right decision and are determined to follow through. You can decide to retrace your steps, forgive and forget, restore relationships or something you have wrongfully taken, or make peace. Take these decisions and see things change for the best.
Prayer Points:
1. I want to love you with my whole heart, O Lord.
2. Holy Spirit, please help me make the right decision every time.