Ephesians 1:16-21
Memory Verse: “that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give to you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him” (Ephesians 1:17).
Leon’s father was about to go on a long trip. Knowing the trip would take about six years, he knew that Leon, without a mother and, being an only child, needed a mature person to cater for his needs. He would also need to be trained in the right manner. He, therefore, called on his brother
to be his guardian, teacher and all that he could be to him. His uncle did his best to train Leon appropriately so that, on the return of his father, he would have become the man he always wished for.
The Holy Spirit is way more than an uncle; He is God in us.He is ever present with us. The Holy Spirit is our teacher. He brings us into all truth and teaches us all things that we need to know.
The Holy Spirit can be fully expressed in you as He was in the disciples and apostles of old. He, in several instances, directed them into understanding what they ought to do, what they needed to say in difficult situations, guiding their path and delivering them from death. He also quickened them to do miraculous things. He can do the same in you and through you.
To enjoy the quickening power of the Holy Spirit you must be ready to yield to His instructions, follow His dictates and do what He wants you to do. It is only then that He will teach and instruct you in the way you should go.
Prayer Points:
1. Dear Lord, I choose to follow Your instructions.
2. Fill me, Lord, with the Holy Spirit.