Ezekiel 37:1-10
Memory Verse:
“Again He said to me, ‘Prophesy to these bones, and say to them, “O dry bones, hear the word of the Lord!”’ (Ezekiel37:4).
The word of God is His instruction and power. It signifies His arrival in a Tsituation in order to turn things around. When the word of God is spoken and carried out as instructed, it makes a difference and provokes the supernatural. In Ezekiel 37, we see God issuing a series of situation-changing instructions to Ezekiel and as His instructions were carried out by effecting the spoken word,
the extremely dry and dead bones became a mighty living army! Though this miracle is phenomenal, you must remember that God has always made changes by His words. The earth, light and everything you see were created by His spoken word.
When Jesus instructed Simon to let down his nets in Luke 5:4-6, “…Simon answered and said to Him, ‘Master, we have toiled all night and caught nothing; nevertheless at Your word I will let down the net” and what a big catch he got! The spiritual nature of the word of God always confronts
scientific facts. How else would dry bones of any sort come to life again? The word of God also heals and delivers (Psalm 107:20).
For the word of God to have the right impact, it must be believed and obeyed. It might not make sense, but it must be believed because it is God’s word. Ezekiel and Simon would not have had testimonies had they not believed and obeyed God’s word. You must believe God’s written and spoken word and obey it to receive His divine intervention in your life.
Prayer Points:
1. Lord, I believe You, please forgive my unbelief.
2. May my belief lead to obedience and testimonies.