2A, Davies Street, Ketu, Lagos State.



You Are The Light Of The World

Matthew 5:13-16

Memory Verse:
“You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden” (Matthew 5:14).

Light is a medium that makes things visible, it could also be defined as the Labsence of darkness and it comes in various forms, e.g. cosmic, natural, miraculous (Acts 12:7), artificial. When God refers to Christians as the light of this world, He simply means that wherever a Christian is there must be light. In Nigeria, it has become a tradition that each time power (light) is restored after an outage, it is accompanied with joyous shouts of “Up NEPA”: an indication that people prefer light to darkness. NEPA is the acronym for Nigeria’s defunct power provider.
The beatitudes describe the essential character of Kingdom citizens and the metaphors of salt and light indicate the citizens’ influence for good, as they penetrate secular society. As light, therefore, you must be conscious of the following as you journey through life:
1. Recognise that your life has either a positive or negative effect. Live responsibly to bring glory to God.
2. Be loyal to God. Forsake any ambition that compromises your commitment to Him.
3. Acknowledge that only God has power over death and hell.
4. Have reverence for Him. Discern between Caesar’s claim and those of God. Honour the Lord as the highest authority.
Has your light become dull to such an extent that you no longer illuminate your family, your place of work or business, or your community? If you live a life of compromise, you certainly cannot illuminate your surroundings. You must be deliberate about letting your light shine wherever you find yourself (Matthew 5:16).

Prayer Points:
1. May my light never go dim.
2. Holy Spirit, please deliver me from a life of compromise.

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