Genesis 4:1-8
Memory Verse:
“Now Cain talked with Abel his brother; and it came to pass, when they were in the field, that Cain rose up against Abel his brother and killed him” (Genesis 4:8).
Jesus announced that anger leads to murder, and anger is just as bad as murder itself. And that whosoever is angry with his brother shall be in danger of judgement (Matthew 5:22). Unfortunately, the heart of man is so wicked that trusting people has become a herculean task. The rate of wickedness has risen. Despite this, we are enjoined to be our brother’s keeper.
Unbrotherliness is a character not befitting a believer – brother betraying brother, brother giving their own brother to be killed, fathers giving their own children to be killed, maimed or sold, children fighting parents, husbands mistreating wives, wives maltreating husbands, friends conspiring and using their friends for rituals. Kidnapping, killings, envy, slandering, malice, hatred
have become the order of the day. These vices are now common occurrences, even among the body of Christ. In Genesis 4,two brothers chose different professions, but served the same God.
One knew the importance of giving his best and gave his all to God, while the other just wanted to fulfil all righteousness and did not give his best. The outcome was that the one who gave his best was accepted while the other was rejected. Rather than repent from his evil way, the rejected one became angry, jealous and bitter so much so that he killed his own brother.
The instruction to us from our Lord Jesus Christ is to love one another and let brotherly love continue (Hebrews 13:1). Let us be our brother’s keeper, because the world is getting darker and more wicked.
Prayer Points:
1. Father, help me not to envy anyone.
2. Father, set my heart on fire to love my brethren.